Saturday, November 18, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/12/2006 (continued)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006

06/12/2006 (continued)

Within the various combinations of "uses" of such a mechanism, I can see the danger in effect and result of rendering the whole of the nation a prison of its own design - again through the ignorant abuses and misuse of the mehcanism itself - even beyond the speculative idea I have explored concerning anonymous social "guides" as per "naturalization."

considering momentarilly of rendering a prison like atmosphere through various misuses of the larger concept itself - it poses, beyond inhibiting freedoms and choice - a certain level of safety. Safety, that is to say - beyond the martial law similarities of that I am exploring. It then, as history proves, becomes a dysfunctional tool to shelter tyrants of various forms - which then leads to a breakdown of the efficient areas within that mechanism - which then historically leads creates political - more social extremes of "haves" and "have not's." Which then leads sooner or later to revolution - and then even further, given the degree of tyrannical frauds which "govern" the supposed "mechanism," perhaps even to blood revolution.

Fortunately enough (or perhaps not depending upon which perspective you may choose), the concept itself which said mechanism is of, seems designed to allow entire changes to and with the "hierarchy" without such "bloody revolution."

What is unfortunate about this in my opinion, is that it seems there is the tendency to cycle on such a build up and break down from one form of ill use to another (displaying that human tendency toward corruption - then further as well, the developed ignorance within the over amplified automation), instead of utilizing the potentials in other ways.

This happens only if it is allowed to - and results from a minimal - limited knowledge of it. From my common insight such in extremes has only happened a few amount of times within this newer form of governing structure.

When I think about it, another danger I see within the constant advance of technology and the "automation" of that structure and mechanism, is that it may actually become possible to allow a given example set of fictive influences to remain "within" the structure and mechanism (if only virtually), long enough to actually do ir-repairable damage to the mechanism which "protects" even them and their ploy.

This again, in a more cynical humor - I see as part of the brilliance within its design. In so many words that misuse cannot sustain itself through its own tendencies and resulting fears as motivation. Essentially then, the "dead mans switch" I have described, may just have been modified inadvertently through the hasty advent of technology and such automation - into a "self destruction" aspect. To the tune even of allowing other forms of "take over" besides the "bloody revolution."

Unfortunately, this would render everything unprofitable to everyone until someone else again employed the existing efficiencies of the "structure" of "representative democracy" being in this example, rendered "non," - or perhaps chose to employ some other, less efficient and profitable forms of governing.

So much in regard to this is obvious and frighteningly similar to the social dynamics of a playground, that it amazes me that there are still people who attempt such ploys.

consider the fact that a common ploy in over throwing any government has historically been to utilize the poor and dejected within the given society as political leverage - then consider that those :poor and dejected" are only useful until the goal is reached, then they are again "liability" to the new form of governing - which then usually has lead to their removal in one form or another.

It amazes me how obvious that is, yet it still seems to work - even within a society where such political leverage is immediately to the loss of those "poor and dejected" - though within a successful society, such is more labor intensive to implement. In some instances, such reasons have even been entirely fictitious, I am sure.

I then couple this consistency in abusing such freedoms as speech for instance, to impose such fiction - with modern "automation" and such - and it then goes from a tired old ploy that only the extremely ignorant use or fall for - into a super charged version of it - but as I have explored, that modern version may just possess the possibility of moving such play ground, political ploys from said - into full blown "viral" mechanisms possibly capable of the destruction of that which even permits it as well as having protected those that implement such ploys. further then, perhaps even rendering everyone expendable in the place of rightfully being able to pursue happiness as a part of a larger interaction.

As well, something I have noticed within this modern dysfunction, is the use of some "fictive transference" in an attempt to appropriate even the reputation of others with the use of modern technological communications manipulations.

This bodes ill in my opinion, for that larger function and seems usually to be plied from "within" the "prison" mentality created within that disjointed aspect utilizing modern forms of communication - further exemplifying the ignorance of those in such misuses as much as the possible reasons (fears?) for having chosen to utilize said mechanism in such ways - essentially as a self imprisoning manner - then further showing even their own disregard for the standards they tout as their "protection." Some even claiming some justified "right" to such blatant disregard simultaneously with its warped interpretive misuses.

i simply cannot see how such can successfully sustain itself. ~

In this thought I have realized further that many of those ploys stem from within that strange metamorphosis which is of the "commerce/power" arena as I have explored it here-in. That eventual want to then transcend in some way into some "sovereign" recognition.

Such might explain why it seems of importance for the well being of all citizens, that too much "control" and influence over the governing laws and structure be kept from the hands of the wealthy alone. As well, from the hands of the impoverished alone.

This observation is in no way a slant - only an observation pertaining to different perspectives I can discern within our modern social climate(s).

Those tending toward the efforts in amassing great fortunes and with focus there-in, will naturally tend to want such a mechanism to function as a "prison" so to speak. A thing used to "limit" others, where those living throughout the other "classes" will tend more to utilize it in enhancing their everyday freedoms as well as a semblance of "upward" motion.

Other factors as I have addressed, are pertaining to the dynamic this then "sets up" in either "direction," and as well then in the process of "progressing" through such growth changes in the given society - then further as I have addressed, the dysfunction occurring between the initial "motion" and that then produced within the modern dynamic. ~

In stating that such large percentages of influence should be more readily distributed, I feel that it is obvious that such is depending upon what the desired result is. It seems as I consider it, that the "one" can be just as ill effected as the other. But there again seems to be that innate "fail safe."


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